Delaire the Liar Interview

You guys have not long come off stage here at 2000trees. How was it?

Ffin: “It was f**king sick”

Em: “I was gonna say, are we allowed to swear? It was the f**king coolest thing I’ve  ever f**king done in my f**king life”

Ffin: “It was really good, the stage was f**king massive. I didn’t actually realize it was gonna be that big and Chaz was on such a high drum riser!”

Chaz: “I know - it kept moving around! Ffin was just doing his usual thing of jumping up and everything, so every time he jumped on it I was like ‘I’m sure this is fine, it’s fine’”

Em: “Oh my god”

Chaz: “But it was amazing!”

Ffin: “I could have jumped on you, so count your blessings there”

Em: “It was amazing playing to a full tent as well like I knew, I could see online some people were coming to see us but it’s just mad when you look out and then it’s completely full. I was like…my heart was so full - very nearly cried on stage”

Ffin: “Me too actually”

Chaz: “I think everyone getting out to watch bands at half one - or even earlier is incredible”

Em: “It’s my favorite festival in the world”

Em you’ve got a particularly busy weekend, as you’re also playing the festival with Bleak Soul. What’s that like for you to experience playing shows across both bands, particularly with Trees where both bands are on the same lineup?

Em: “Yeah, musically it’s quite different like I don’t exert as much energy on stage with Ben (Bleak Soul) cause obviously our sets do go a little ridongculous. But erm, vocally wise it’s kind of the same, but it’s like I get on well with them as mates aswell. There isn’t too much different, apart from I finish a Delaire set and I’m sweating and gasping for air and then I finish Ben’s set and I’m like ‘cool!’ - still have a good time though obviously haha. That did not mean to come across negatively, don’t get me wrong I DO love it!” 

It’s nice to see both bands on the line up here at Trees.

Em: “Yeah” 

Ffin: “It’s convenient”

Em: “I’m grateful they’re both in one day, on the Thursday so I’ve got the rest of the weekend to enjoy my White Claw’s haha”

For anyone new to Delaire The Liar, where should fans look to, to keep up to date with what you guys are up to?

Chaz: “Instagram” 

Ffin: “Instagram is probably the, I’d say our most favorite social media tool”

Em: “Yeah”

Ffin: “I mean we’re pretty active across all fronts really but Instagram is probably our favourite at the minute. So yeah, that’s where I’d say all our updates will be, but also f**ing Spotify. Get stuck in, you know what I mean? If you like a bit of Emo Punk America…”


Ffin: “Which I think you might, Delaire is accessible to you”

Which brings me to my next question, of asking what is next for you? You’ve had a busy 2022 so far!

Ffin: “There’s not actually a huge amount we can talk about right now I’m afraid. But, we do have a festival in London coming up which is going to be really fun. It’s called Fest Shalom at Signature Brew which is essentially going to be a hometown show for us and the lineup is f**king stacked. We get to play with Palm Reader for the first time which is going to be very exciting. Clt drip aswell, they’re also playing”

Em: “I’m a big big Lambrini Girls fan”

Ffin: “Oh mate, I cannot wait to see Lambrini Girls that’s going to be f**king amazing” 

Em: “Shoutout to Phoebe, absolute legend” 

Ffin: “Also, my sister is called Phoebe so shoutout to her who is also an absolute legend” 

Em: “Shoutout Phoebe Coley!”

Ffin: “Yeah I can’t f**king wait to see Lambrini Girls. That day that we’re playing is so sweet, stacked!” 

Em: “August 13th and 14th, I think” 

Ffin: “Americans, get over here! If you’re planning a holiday, that’s when you want to come”

Finally, do you have a random quote or any words to end the day with?

Ffin: “Honestly, I think that was one of the best sets we’ve ever played”

Em: “Yep”

Ffin: “Straight up and it felt like the crowd were really really engaged and I just want to thank everybody that came and made that so special for us” 

Em: “It felt so rewarding, like after cause we’ve had this on the cards since 2020 so it’s probably the longest wait any of us have ever had to play a show. So to then be greeted with such warmth and reception just means the f**king world”

Chaz: “It felt really cathartic in a way”

Em: “Yeah!” 

Chaz: “So for it to finally happen-“

Em: “It just feels amazing”

Ffin: “Yeah, just a really big thank you and now we’re going to go and get really really pissed for the rest of the weekend”

Em: Hell yeah!

Who are you most looking forward to seeing across the weekend? 

Em: “Turnstile!”

Ffin: “My favourite band is called Calsberg”


Ffin: “I plan to get thoroughly acquainted…There’s so many bands that I’m looking forward to get to see, like I can’t wait to see Heriot tomorrow” 

Em: “Yep, Heriot. I’m excited to see SNAYX as well” 

Ffin: “Yeah, SNAYX. Just getting to catch a bit of Gnarlah’s set was fantastic. If we get the chance to see Holding Absence today, that’d be wicked. Yeah, just wonder from tent to tent all day, it’s such a good line up. Shoutout to Graphic Nature as well who stepped in last minute to cover for Witch Fever”

Em: “Shoutout to Crashface as well. Unfortunately we were stuck in traffic during their set”

Ffin: “Listen, don’t shoutout - FUCK CRASHFACE”

Chaz: “They missed us too to be fair!”

Em: “Goes two ways buddy haha”